Lawn Fertilization & Weed Control
Our licensed technicians use the safest methods to protect your property, family, pets, and the environment. The result is a healthy, beautiful lawn that resists harmful diseases and insects. Our Lawn Care Program includes seven fertilizer treatments applied throughout the growing season. These timely treatments supply all the necessary nutrients needed to maintain a vigorous turf (nitrogen, phosphorus, & potassium).
Our programs have been reviewed and revised over the years by horticulturists, certified turf managers, agronomists, and even the President of the Northern Virginia Turf Association. Ricky’s Lawn & Landscape understands the importance of environmental awareness. By spot treating for pests in your lawn, we use the least amount of chemicals possible, while still keeping your lawn beautiful. We have also integrated natural, organic fertilizers into our lawn care treatments, which are great for maintaining healthy soils.
1. Early Spring – (March) Solu-Cal High into an immediately form for plant uptake and soil pH adjustment. Post –Emergent weed control.
2. Spring – (March) Pre-emergent (Dimension) homogeneous granular fertilizer for grassy and broadleaf weed control. Post-Emergent weed control.
3. Late spring – (April-May) Pre-Emergent (Dimension) homogeneous granular fertilizer for grassy and broadleaf weed control. Post-Emergent weed control.
4. Early Summer – (June) Allectus grub control provides highly effective preventive curative control of grubs and most surface feeding insects. Post-emergent weed.
5. Late Summer – (July-August) Post-Emergent weed control.
6. Early Fall – (September-October) Balanced fertilizer for root growth and color. Aeration and seeding (if scheduled). Post-emerged weed control if not seeding.
7. Late Fall – (November-December) Slow release nitrogen fertilizer for continued root growth throughout the winter season.